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Everything posted by gigadisk

  1. Translators needed

    hi i can do translation for ApexDC++ 1.3.1 in Czech Language, my last translations for ApexDC++ was ApexDC++ 0.2.2, ApexDC++ 0.3.0, ApexDC++ 0.4.0. I traslate original StrongDC++, zDC++, Zion++. So i can translate for you new version. No problem.
  2. ApexDC++ Translations

    CZECH translation from me again for 0.4.0 ApexDC_0.4.0_by_Gigadisk.xml CZ: vzkaz pro markera, jestlli te to bavi mi brat neco a pak si to upravovat, tak si to delej cely sam zmetku. Se s tim delam a ty mi to pak jen tak vezmes ? Priste se treba zeptej :-P ENG: Messaga for marker, if you like steal my translation and you must change it, do it from clean ENG you a**hole!!!! I do it like idiot and you take it and don´t tell me nothing ? you can ask for it!!! Do it again and i dont translate ApexDC++ anymore :-P
  3. ApexDC++ Translations

    There is translate for new version. :-P ;) ApexDC_0.3.0_by_Gigadisk.xml
  4. OP Version Questions

    fuldc++ disabled only $get and other old DC support, with $ADCGET you can download from fuldc. But if i change download filelist i cant use $getlistlengh for testing filelist :stuart:
  5. OP Version Questions

    Best is write it to client yourself and don´t wait for others if you can do it :(
  6. ApexDC++ Translations

    There is Czech translate for ApexDC++ it is similar like StrongDC++ twenty minutes my life for this translate Czech translation For save use right click, or coding will broken stupid browser Good job with your client :)