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Everything posted by -=NYC=-Hemarr

  1. 1 million downloads achieved

    Very nice congrats on an awesome client
  2. Apex 1.0.0 B crash

    Code: c0000005 (Access violation) Version: 1.0.0B2 (2007-04-10) Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 2 Type: 1 Time: 2007-04-14 11:05:44 TTH: CWLBR24QOCVAJHKKX2A6KQORSW4IRCWPJH36EYA ntdll!0x7C918FEA: RtlpWaitForCriticalSection ntdll!0x7C90104B: RtlEnterCriticalSection d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\user.h(134): Identity::isHidden d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(677): HubFrame::removeUser d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(779): HubFrame::onSpeaker d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\hubframe.h(74): HubFrame::ProcessWindowMessage d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\atlmfc\include\atlwin.h(3078): ATL::CWindowImplBaseT<WTL::CMDIWindow=0x037B2D28,ATL::CWinTraits<1456406528=0x00000000,64> >::WindowProc USER32!0x7E418734: GetDC USER32!0x7E418816: GetDC USER32!0x7E4189CD: GetWindowLongW USER32!0x7E418A10: DispatchMessageW d:\cvs\apexdc++\includes\wtl\atlapp.h(584): WTL::CMessageLoop::Run d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\main.cpp(431): Run 0x001B0234: ? ApexDC!0x0044E2A2: MainFrame::FileListQueue::`scalar deleting destructor' ApexDC!0x00469A57: [thunk]:MainFrame::`vector deleting destructor' kernel32!0x7C830000: CreateFiberEx 0x90909090: ?
  3. [Support]GeoIP flags

    where is your link at i dont see it neither does any of my users that use Apex. can you please direct me to it so i can pass it on to my users please thanks
  4. [Support]GeoIP flags

    I have this file in my settings folder GeoIP.dat still no flags OK got it work i found this file and now it works GeoIPCountryWhois.csv put it in settings I think this file should be included at least a link iin the package for Apex I can share it , I'm i allowed to put a link in here for it ?? GeoIP
  5. [Support]GeoIP flags

    I seem to have same problem older version used to work nice newer versions have no flag only ? mark If i need other files with it why are they not included in package and why does it not tell you need to download external files for Apex to work correctly . please if i need another file where do i get it? Thanks
  6. [Support]Lines from log on new pm

    thanks for the help nice client
  7. [Support]Lines from log on new pm

    I hope im in the right place. I was wondering if the only feature the client lacks Lines from log on new pm Could be added Thanks for sharing this very nice client Glad i found it