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Everything posted by wineuser

  1. apex has crashed

    Hi. I`m running Apex 1.2.0 stable on wine-1.1.20. After some time of downloading it crashes: Code: e06d7363 (Unknown) Version: 1.2.0 (Apr 11 2009) Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 4 Type: 1 Time: 2009-04-29 15:19:05 TTH: TRRT5H2EK5AZD6WVEZJN5R6JBKWVFARDVNVCFSI kernel32!0x7B843C56: ? apexdc!0x005B3F93: _CxxThrowException apexdc!0x005AD36A: operator new apexdc!0x00404945: stlp_std::__node_alloc::allocate apexdc!0x0040BEE2: stlp_std::basic_string<wchar_t=0x00613FD8,stlp_std::char_traits<wchar_t>=0x0155C820,stlp_std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_M_reserve apexdc!0x00401017: dcpp::Text::utf8ToWide apexdc!0x00401036: dcpp::Text::toT apexdc!0x004E9CAA: dcpp::NmdcHub::myInfo apexdc!0x004E8FF8: dcpp::NmdcHub::onLine apexdc!0x004EAEC3: dcpp::NmdcHub::on apexdc!0x00504AEE: dcpp::Speaker<dcpp::BufferedSocketListener>::fire<dcpp::BufferedSocketListener::X<2>=0x00424718,stlp_std::basic_string<char=0x03B4E9F0,stlp_std::char_traits<char>=0x03B4E9F0,stlp_std::allocator<char> > > apexdc!0x005045C0: dcpp::BufferedSocket::checkSocket apexdc!0x0050461C: dcpp::BufferedSocket::run apexdc!0x004BF4C6: dcpp::Thread::starter apexdc!0x005B2581: _threadstartex ntdll!0x7BC71D3E: call_thread_entry_point ntdll!0x7BC72092: ? ntdll!0x7BC73175: ?!0xF7DE54FB: start_thread
  2. [1.2.0]Crash message

    As a Linux user I run AphexDC on wine. It crashed: $uname -a Linux 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Fri Dec 19 16:29:52 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux $ wine --version wine-1.1.12 AphexDC has crashed: Code: e06d7363 (Unknown) Version: 1.2.0B (Dec 24 2008) Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 2 Type: 1 Time: 2009-01-11 10:53:11 TTH: 5ADII24KFW4E623DOYD5TW5SZBOKT6GG57KW2NY kernel32!0x7B845743: ? apexdc!0x005B8923: ? apexdc!0x005B1DAA: ? apexdc!0x004048FB: ? apexdc!0x00406BD6: ? apexdc!0x00401017: ? apexdc!0x00401036: ? apexdc!0x004F0323: ? apexdc!0x004EF749: ? apexdc!0x004F1558: ? apexdc!0x0050B925: ? apexdc!0x0050B3DC: ? apexdc!0x0050B438: ? apexdc!0x004C6514: ? apexdc!0x005B6F11: ? ntdll!0x7BC6FABE: call_thread_entry_point ntdll!0x7BC71152: ? ntdll!0x7BC7134D: ?!0xB7E8050F: start_thread After the message AphexDC seems to work normaly: the main window can be viewed, the transfers work etc.