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Posts posted by Lain_13

  1. I know a fix for this and if you test my emotion pack you wont get any problems with smileys. You can get my smileys here:

    The simple fix for this is to put space in front of every smiley command.

    Like this <Emoticon PasteText=" :D" Bitmap="RadoX-Pack\RadoX_002.bmp"/>


    When I'm typing first post in this topic I'm thinking about this... but it's not a FIX or RESOLVE... it's somesing like HACK. And it's not working on all emoticons packs... Only on yours.

    RadoX you make really great pack but it's not a resolve of problem...

    ...I think forbid DC place icons in links better way then "hacking"...

    and it's work with all emoticons packs.... isn't it?

    also... do you really typing " :)" in text? What happens with smile if I type "Mary like bananas... :)"? Yes! It's eat space before! But I don't wont this... also I dont won't write "...  :)". <--Two spaces...

  2. In some cases when somebody post magnetlink or other links in chat or private chat... hmpf... anywhere... smiles replace some symbol combinations. I see only one easy and clear way to resolve this problem: suppress replacing symbols by smiles in ANY links. Who know other ways?

  3. Exist one interest way to resolve this problem - adding ROOT mark for folder added to queue and suppress wrapping identical files inside subfolders of root folder... Or, maybe, use last versions of StrongDC... I don't know repair they this st**id error or not...

    ...this problem I found when downloading library of photos from my friend ...they make thematical subfolders with copies of original files ...when I download this collection of photos thematical folder was free... but I see this files in they filelist... after 2 cycles of redownloading I have full collection of photos... but it's not funny... right?

    p.s. forgive me my bad english... I can read and understand what I read... but write...

    p.p.s. some information in DVD format can be free... isn't it? I have 5 DVD with home video. What if I share they? Or what if I download somesing like this from other? 2-3 download cycles? It's NOT FUNNY.

    p.p.p.s. one of my friends use rmDC++, because this version of DC don't have this problem... but it's too old... and I like ApexDC... If Apex - pinnacle of file sharing... you understand me, right?