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Everything posted by Lain_13

  1. Smiles in magnet links

    In some cases when somebody post magnetlink or other links in chat or private chat... hmpf... anywhere... smiles replace some symbol combinations. I see only one easy and clear way to resolve this problem: suppress replacing symbols by smiles in ANY links. Who know other ways?
  2. Smiles in magnet links

    When I'm typing first post in this topic I'm thinking about this... but it's not a FIX or RESOLVE... it's somesing like HACK. And it's not working on all emoticons packs... Only on yours. RadoX you make really great pack but it's not a resolve of problem... ...I think forbid DC place icons in links better way then "hacking"... and it's work with all emoticons packs.... isn't it? also... do you really typing " :)" in text? What happens with smile if I type "Mary like bananas... :)"? Yes! It's eat space before! But I don't wont this... also I dont won't write "... :)". <--Two spaces...
  3. Problem with download different files

    :w00t: > > :stuart: > > :stuart: > :thumbsup: ...sometimes this bug make me insane... it's gone... ......
  4. Problem with download different files

    Exist one interest way to resolve this problem - adding ROOT mark for folder added to queue and suppress wrapping identical files inside subfolders of root folder... Or, maybe, use last versions of StrongDC... I don't know repair they this st**id error or not... ...this problem I found when downloading library of photos from my friend ...they make thematical subfolders with copies of original files ...when I download this collection of photos thematical folder was free... but I see this files in they filelist... after 2 cycles of redownloading I have full collection of photos... but it's not funny... right? p.s. forgive me my bad english... I can read and understand what I read... but write... p.p.s. some information in DVD format can be free... isn't it? I have 5 DVD with home video. What if I share they? Or what if I download somesing like this from other? 2-3 download cycles? It's NOT FUNNY. p.p.p.s. one of my friends use rmDC++, because this version of DC don't have this problem... but it's too old... and I like ApexDC... If Apex - pinnacle of file sharing... you understand me, right?