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bitlord je torrent klijent, i apex 1.1.0
kad je podignut bitlord, mogu da se nakacim na hub, ali mi ne radi search ...
da li postoji podesavanje koje mi omogucava da ih koristim u isto vreme ?
since i installed peer web dc ++ ver 0.491 i am constantly getting this bug report when it crashes ...
Code: c0000005
Version: 0.41
Major: 5
Minor: 1
Build: 2600
SP: 2
Type: 1
Time: 2006-08-06 04:07:42
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\vc7\include\stlport\stl\_vector.h(332): _STL::vector<PartialPeerInfo=0x01C8FC94,_STL::allocator<PartialPeerInfo> >::push_back
l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\queuemanager.cpp(2056): QueueManager::storePartialSource
l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\searchmanager.cpp(428): SearchManager::onData
l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\searchmanager.cpp(215): SearchManager::run
l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\thread.h(146): Thread::starter
f:\vs70builds\3077\vc\crtbld\crt\src\threadex.c(241): _threadstartex
kernel32!0x7C80B50B: GetModuleFileNameA
after some time downloading some big file ...