Big Muscle

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Everything posted by Big Muscle

  1. [1.3.0] Autosorting search results doesn't work

    Results are sorted with every 15th result to decrease CPU usage on large searches and to allow working with results during searching. It can't be done on end of search, because it's undetectable.
  2. Speed Limiter seems to limit speed not right

    I have tested speed limits up to 12 MB/s and they all limiting correctly +- some 0.xx MB.
  3. DHT bootstrap error

    ApexDC++ shouldn't connect to strongdc website. SF complained to me about high overload to my website, so I blocked all version below StrongDC++ 2.40.
  4. Disappeared "Update IP on startup"

    There are TWO solutions: a) use some DNS service e.g. no-ip, which give you DNS and update it according to IP changes enable DHT
  5. [1.3.0] Ugly delimiter in lists

    True, not many applications don't allow setting colors. Also, Vista/Win7 Aero theme is so stupid that it has all colors hardcoded (except of glass color) and it's almost impossible to change it (same with favgroup color etc). That's why it's not recommended to change application color scheme if you need to be stuck with that free,cool&in aero theme.
  6. Groups in Favorite

    It is bad but Windows don't allow to set color of the group name+line.
  7. Get file list error

    Maximum XML elements nesting is currently set to 16 and those filelists exceed it. I think the program shouldn't allow so deep directories in share.
  8. What is a "Max filelist size" option?

    I guess this option does nothing because it has been replaced by new XML reader.
  9. [1.3.0] Ugly delimiter in lists

    Yes, they will. We will hear "This is the worst version, because has some strange lines in lists" for a few weeks, but they will use it when they find out when more and more new application has same appearance Also, it is funny that users refuse old nice Windows classic theme (which is much more usable for real work), because it is "going back to MS-DOS" etc. but they set several ancient circus themes in applications which corrupt look of Aero theme loved by them :o
  10. Speed Limiter seems to limit speed not right

    I'm not sure whether there is something to do with it. There is still some overhead (thread synchronizations, bandwidth distribution...) which doesn't need to be there when limiter is disabled. The higher speed the more overhead is visible.
  11. [1.3.0] IP Country Flags Gone

    I moved it to root folder, because I consider it as global settings which has no meaning to be settable per user (i.e. some IP range is Russia for all users). "Settings" is per-user settings and it's location is settable in dcppboot.xml.
  12. DHT/UDP

    It's number of users in your DHT routing table. In other words, users discovered in DHT. Current limit is 1920.
  13. [1.3.0] Ugly delimiter in lists

    No, you won't be able to run this application then I just wanted to say that all over the Internet I still read that "Aero is cool", "Vista look is nice" etc., so I just enabled application to adopt Vista/win7 native look. And what happens now? users don't like vista look? solution is: if you don't like vista/win7 look, just disable it :P
  14. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.0

    Also, it had no sense to release x64 version when there was OpenSSL bug which caused performance degradation.
  15. [1.3.0] Ugly delimiter in lists

    Setting Windows Classic theme will disable those delimiters.
  16. Imported Logs Not Recognised

    You stored them into invalid folder or under filename which doesn't match PM logs settings.
  17. "Search in results" uses regular expressions.
  18. Auto search TTH according to priority

    But it's already done in this way :)
  19. Speed Limiter seems to limit speed not right

    StrongDC++ 2.30 has completely rewritten limiter code and most of the bug from old limiter are fixed in it. So wait for new apexdc version, it will surely be in it too.
  20. Client freezes when I open download queue

    Uncheck "Autoexpand directories in queue" (I don't remember exact name) in Settings > Appearance.
  21. Can't connect to users of StrongDC++

    TLS is just another TCP port you need to forward.
  22. Can't connect to users of StrongDC++

    It seems you don't have correctly forwarded your TCP and TLS ports.
  23. More info in Search spy

    Search Spy is designed to look for the stuff which is the most wanted and not to break users' privacy. That's why you can't see IPs, ports, nicks etc.
  24. Crylic text is shown as "

    Yes, of course. Also, DC++ is developed under "This program is licensed under GPL-2 with the notable exception that you may compile and link it with OpenSSL ( and WTL ( " which is incompatible with GPLv3, so it means that DC++ violated license, because PPK is copyright holder of every code in czdc ;)
  25. How to get more sources

    Imagine what happens: Let's say that 10000 users will use ApexDC++, but only 2000 of them knows what DHT is (I have found only very small amount of users who knows that) and only 500 of them will enable it. And to have it due to only 500 users? It's absolutely meaningless.