Big Muscle

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Everything posted by Big Muscle

  1. yes, you see share size in userlist, but you can't get share size of user who is connecting to you, just because NMDC doesn't have any user identification. Imagine this: User A - shares 2 GB User B - shares 3 GB (both have same nick, but are in different hubs) now user A is connecting to you, but it gets share size of user B then user B is conencting to you and it again gets share size of user B, but connection to this user will be dropped
  2. Fastest Download Speed?

    but only if you will download to different HDD than you are uploading from...
  3. I don't see it so much correct, because you can't get share size of connecting users in NMDC hubs.
  4. only one question... do you have Windows Vista legally or why do you have to use that pseudoOS? I just guess that Vista is source of your problem.
  5. My Top 20 used Programs

    ok, now let's talk only about applications which you have installed legally :P
  6. My Top 20 used Programs

    but I need free ;-) because I can't pay for it.
  7. My Top 20 used Programs

    I use ImgBurn for ISO burning, because it's the only free application which supports UDF file system. For normal files burning, I use plugin for Total commander (but it doesn't support UDF). And neither one of them supports CD/DVD copying :P
  8. My Top 20 used Programs

    OS: Windows XP Firewall: Windows Firewall Antivirus: Avast Antivirus DC: StrongDC++ Movies: Media Player Classic Music: WinAMP Archive: 7zip FileManager: Total Commander Img Viewer: Irfanview Browser: Opera Messenger: BigMuscle's MirandaPack Searching for some very good CD/DVD burning app for free
  9. Your browser of choice

    where did you get Opera 10? As I know, the last available version is weekly build of 9.23
  10. 1.0.0B4 crash, merklecheckoutputstream...

    no, it's not when downloading but when trying to start download.
  11. 1.0.0B4 crash, merklecheckoutputstream...

    please find the user which you are downloading from when it crashes... it will happen only for certain clients
  12. Your browser of choice

    AdBlock in Opera is very good, so it doesn't need any improvement except some setup interface (not only set up via .ini files)
  13. Your browser of choice

    number of features is not important ;)
  14. Your browser of choice

    Opera has very good Adblock feature. Then only problem is that it doesn't have any good friendly interface to setup, so you must set it up via .ini files. But it's not too bad, because I have just my own AdBlocker.ini and if I install Opera, I just copy this file in it :wub:
  15. Your browser of choice

    Opera with implemented AdBlocker btw few months ago I saw some security test. It showed how many security holes are in browser. The most secure browser was Opera, then IE and Firefox was on the last place :lol:
  16. [1.0.0 b3] Opening lots of hubs at startup

    reported crash should be fixed in upcoming version of StrongDC++ but I can't be 100% sure, because it has never happened to me.
  17. [Apex 1.0.0.B3] Emoticons not working

    I don't think so. Really dumb people aren't able to read message and asks for a help immediately :D
  18. [Apex 1.0.0.B3] Emoticons not working

    but it's p2p application for sharing and not something where user must be informed about the fact that emoticons are disabled :D
  19. Refresh file list in 1.0.b3

    or after being hashed and you have a luck that the last /refresh was after hashing btw you write 2-3 (not 2 and not 3, but 2 or 3), so you can't be 100% sure ;-)

    yes, enable antifrag downloading
  21. [1.0.0 B3]System Crash

    STL is just a library to support containers (vectors, lists, maps, hashmaps, strings etc.) in C++. STLPort is a modification of SGI STL. btw the reported crash has nothing to do with STL. I guess there's some synchronization issue in ApexDC++ which cause a crash during tree (i guess map) access.
  22. Improvement of Connection Description

    i remember that my first DC++ mod called BigCZDC sent $MyInfo with upload speed once a hour and PPK was saying that I was an idiot because I spammed network :) :D
  23. Connect to Hub in Queue

    and it won't be implemented, because they are not any hubs in queue. One user can be from more hubs (depending on protocol).
  24. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 3

    do you think that these values are really ok? I don't think so just an advice for developers: put global variables from class User to class Identity and use them in Info map, else it will eat a lot of memory on large hubs ;)
  25. Completing downloads quickly

    It's always. Just imagine similar situation: you have a road and there are 5 cars on this road. One is slow, one is fast and one is faster. They starts at the same time. Now tell me which cars will be the first in the finish and which one will leave on the road as the last one ;-)