Big Muscle

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Everything posted by Big Muscle

  1. I just got an idea. There could be CID extension for NMDC sent in $Supports. If user supports it, we could send him $GetCID| command before transfer starts and he would responds with $CID <his_CID>|. This <his_CID> would be searched in existing users. If found, this user would assigned to this transfer (and old user thrown away). If not found, user's CID would be changed to this new one. The purpose: it would allow recognizing users and block transfers with duplicate CID. Negative: it would work only for clients supporting it.
  2. Licenses violations by ApexDC++

    By the way, OpenSSL LICENSE file claims that it is under "BSD-style Open Source" and this license is compatible with GPL. Also, OpenSSL FAQ page says: And I don't see any problem with it. So where's the problem?
  3. Licenses violations by ApexDC++

    and btw if StrongDC++ got exception that it can be compiled with WTL, does it pay for its derivation (ApexDC++) then? Interesting question, isn't it? :P
  4. Licenses violations by ApexDC++

    If we are talking about licence violating than using GPL code doesn't give you copyright, so removing copyright notice is license violating too and it means that CzDC violates GNU/GPL too, so don't worry, be happy :thumbsup: But it's very simple, PPK dislikes that ApexDC++ is based on the most extended DC client - StrongDC++ - which includes SSL/TLS encryption for NMDC connections that is incompatible with some pseudo-PPK's method (which doesn't exist at all), so must do something to sabotage such client. But... let's just ignore him.
  5. tth inconsistancy

    TTH Inconsistency message isn't there for horseplay. It says that transferred data have been corrupted, so if rehashing doesn't help you then start searching for some HW problem.
  6. tth inconsistancy

    I don't remember I have ever changed any TTH code
  7. Restrict file types

    I still don't understand why users can't make an order in their share and must share folders where they download to :P
  8. CMD Debug bug

    this happens when you select some piece of text when new line arrives. It is because new lines are added in own thread to avoid GUI freezing when there's too many communication.
  9. I was solving deadlock in RSX++ with adrian and it was completely different problem.
  10. i just think there's something wrong with your computer, because I send PMs via enter all day long and everything is ok, also no other person has reported this bug.
  11. DC++ 0.709.1 Released !

    why should you change topic title? This topic is about DC++, understand it?
  12. Sorry :(

    this crash is caused by bug in FlatTabCtrl, WTL or WinAPI, because I noticed that it sometimes sends message in incorrect time. For example, WM_MDIACTIVATE before WM_CREATE (why it wants to activate window before creating it?) and this is easily reproducable by very fast switching and opening new tabs.
  13. Sorry :(

    Nobody doesn't force to update to the latest version. StrongDC++ is the most stable DC client ever, so why don't use it? Why do you have to use version 2.2? To complain that it's not stable? Or to say us that you will use different client?
  14. StrongDC++ v2.2 Released

    me not, wait for next release, please. This one contain some serious bugs.
  15. Banned client when emulating...

    isn't it because 705/706 doesn't return all search results?
  16. merge://

    If I understand this correctly, then it's already there ;)
  17. v 1.1.0

    as you said, it has nothing to do with p2p, so there's no reason why it should be there.
  18. v 1.1.0

    what does winamp toolbar have to do with p2p application???
  19. File creation date attribute in filelists

    It's not 2-3 seconds! I took filelist from random user in our hub. He has 52 059 files in his share. Download speed was 9.36 kB/s. Let's count. Timestamp is 64-bit number, so it's has up 20 digits! OK, let's take only 10 digits, because reaching 64-bit limit is only dream. Then you have to store 2 quotation marks to XML and some attribute name. Let's use TimeStamp (= 9 characters). So, result is 10 + 2 + 9 = 21. Let's round it down to have nice number :-) So 20. Now count 52 059 * 20 = 1041180. So filelist will be larger about 1 MB. Download speed was 9.36 kB/s. So it will take 109 seconds to download this additional data. His filelist has 1.53 MB. It takes about 167 seconds to download. So, it will take 109 + 167 = 276 seconds (it's more than 4.5 minutes!!!) seconds to download his filelist with timestamps!!! No, thank you, I don't want this feature! Now I could start same counting with another random user. But his filelist isn't finished yet. It has 5.64 MB and speed is 1.11 kB/s!!! What will happen when timestamps will be in this filelist??? Not we. You! how many people need to check FL for changes???
  20. One link to one opponent host

    No change is needed for this. Its NMDC protocol defect, ADC hubs are ok, so if you don't like this behaviour, use ADC hubs only.
  21. It's not bug in Debug Frame. This happens because NMDC hubs don't support unicode encoding. ADC works ok.
  22. File creation date attribute in filelists

    and FL DL time is the most precious thing !!!
  23. SFV Support

    also, it's not true that sfv file is made before releasing. It can happen in some cases, but not always. I have never seen someone with sfv file in our hubs and that's the reason why it has been removed.
  24. What do one have to do...

    Too much reading for me. So shortly... there's no reason to raise maximum segments above 10 DOT
  25. SFV Support

    how? If I delete some files from archive and then make sfv file?