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Everything posted by rambart

  1. how do i disable pruning

    Change: Files that no longer exist in downloads folder will be pruned from queue on startup Can this be disabled or do I have to downgrade?
  2. how do i disable pruning

    Yes that's what I meant, you put it much better.
  3. how do i disable pruning

    From the download qeue yes, anything apex cannot find right after you start up gets removed from the download qeue. Mayby you need to change it so that it only removes 100% downloaded files?
  4. how do i disable pruning

    actually no, it prunes anything it cannot find, so if the user ur downloading from is either moving files around or simply not there at the time of your startup the file gets removed from your qeue for you
  5. how do i disable pruning

    It really is too agressive, I ended up just going back to 1.5