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Everything posted by themaestro

  1. Why make a client that destroys DC++?

    sorry, read again what i wrote. I wrote to change it from 20% (installed default) to 0. so i'm not using it
  2. Why make a client that destroys DC++?

    yes users understand that. I'm not limiting whole computer/internet connection. that wrong and nonsense. if they know how to open ports and use dc clients they are smart. if they don't know to read 4 lines they probably using emule Israeli chilled 12 years old doing that and upload all bandwidth with sababadc. why not in apexdc? more upload more faster download in DC community. just try and see i"m right
  3. Why make a client that destroys DC++?

    how to download more faster and surf the web when DC CLIENTS (ALL) working ? 1. your upload slot - 2-3 . no more. 2. if you have sp2 installed, run this patch 3. tweak tcp connection - run this reg file 4. only for windows xp pro users This tweak is designed for broadband users on Windows XP Pro Edition. For Windows Home Edition, consult the forum, as gpedit.msc is not available for you. This tweak will only remove an internet reserve of 20%, although this is not active unless you are running QoS Aware programs.<br> 1.Log on as "Administrator". 2. Run - gpedit.msc 3. Expand the "Local Computer Policy" branch 4. Then expand the "Administrative Templates" branch 5. Expand the "Network" branch 6. Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left pane. 7. In the right window pane double-click the "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" setting 8. On the settings tab check the "Enabled" item 9. Change "Bandwidth limit %" to read 0 (if you have router change it to 1) 10. Then go to your Network connections Start= Connect to= Show All Connections and right-click on your connection. Then under the General or the Networking tab, (where it lists your protocols) make sure QoS packet scheduler is enabled. now restart your computer. that all now you can upload, download and surf the web !
  4. Why make a client that destroys DC++?

    take out upload limit from DC client