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Posts posted by Zlobomir

  1. Really great news, I know I am not involved in the funds, but imHo netcelli should get the reward with honours! ;) My next dream is unleashed! Anyone up to write Apex Mobile for pocket PC? I'd love to have it on my Qtec 9000 running Win Mobile 6.1. If the present Linux client works on some small Linux distro, which works on the Qtec, it will be fine too.

  2. I sent them an email yesterday and told them I want my service unhindered by the end of the month or I am leaving. Since I am also not able to work on the websites I have been asked to do, I need to have a good working Internet service. No reason to pay for something that does not work. Thank you again for your time!

    That's the spirit. ;)

  3. As the size of language files is funny, I am proposing once more to include the language pack in the installer. Maybe we can think of some way to detect the selected language, so then pressing a button "Check for language pack update" will check for the latest version of the respective language. ;)

  4. Still im not interested in NMDC or adding more to it so AML will be ADC only when the time is right which probly will be soon i hope

    im guessing that i will loose a huge part of my userbase but im okey with that since its time to move forward anyways

    And I am OK too, since I hope that this will push more hub devs in the right direction.

  5. "По-официално и на "Вие", и добре сложено е "Предпочитани" да е. Ясно, че "любими" е по-userfriendly, но... Също и де да беше само него ред:"

    Официална форма на прилагателни? А и не разработваме програма за хора с по пет+ научни титли, че да е на строго на "Вие". smile.gif Любими е по-точният и по-кратък превод (предпочитани би било preferred imo) Освен това, в редовете където "любими" не пасва, може да се получи омонимия, което ще е доста зле. Например "Настройки на предпочитанията" си е ок, другите би могло да са любими. Използвал съм далеч по-грозни трикове, например "Добре" и "Ъм, не" за диалоговите бутони, само защото Алт+Ъ = Алт+C (Cancel). biggrin.gif

    П. С. Българският език е велик! Язък че аз съм прост и ми отне толкова време! "ПОДБРАНИ" и даже "ОТБРАНИ" хъбове и потребители.

  6. The ISP can stop you downloading in passive yes.

    Also, we are not here to encourage illegal downloading, so we cant answer your other question.

    True, but we can discuss about FTP and other sources just technically, we cannot know what is stored on each separate server, can we? It is just a user mistake if he accidentally interprets us wrong. :)

  7. All Greg said is right, small upload slots are slots for files up to "You specify how large" in size, so that a user does not have to wait days for a single 1MB file if your regular upload slots are taken. A slot for filelist download is always granted automatically tho.

  8. Да, свързани са. ADLS е средството, RAW e автоматичното му прилагане. Надявам се довечера да ми остане време да едитна тук кратко указание.

    Едит: Да живее мързела! Намерих цял съавтор може би. Ти си Токси! :)

    Едит 2: 11.04.08 04:50 Невольо? :unsure:

  9. Imo these are two separate issues:

    1. The file is missing on the peer's computer, since Apex should be able to create a path on your computer. Still ensure Apex has the rights to access and write in the directory in question (if on Vista, turn off UAC).

    2. About the IP - you probably need a GeoIP database update. Download via Help menu and extract the content in /Settings, replacing the old one. Upon restart, you will have a more up-to-date IP info. Still, some IPs are just not recognized, do not worry.

  10. ...

    And what do you mean by this? "I assume you have tried with checks on "Send garbage on incoming/outgoing connections"?"


    It is a setting in Apex DC++ and most cliens, under Settings>Advanced I think. It should mask P2P traffic.

  11. Well, I guess you have the needed experience, so if they say "it's not our problem, P2P file sharing is not legal and we don't have to guarantee it working", "it is not your obligation to use their services". Later your brother can change, etc... :thumbsup:

    I assume you have tried with checks on "Send garbage on incoming/outgoing connections"?

  12. Hello,

    To narrow the problem, are your nearby friends able to download with torrent and DC++? Do you have a router, some routers share the modem box. For me Wi-Fi is not descriptive enough... Basically, for downloading is responsible the TCP port, also check that Apex is allowed via your firewall software (better use third-party firewall and turn off XP one).

  13. If someone is able to compile latest Apex 1.0.1 with patched STL (I am actually interested in having horizontal view option back), I will be grateful to receive the client. Thanks in advance. :thumbsup:

  14. Браво! :) Надявам се да го погледна в петък/събота, понеже сега се разправям с изпити и реферати. ;)

    Eдит: Ще е гадно! :thumbsup: Много ще се радвам, ако имаш някакъв работен документ, например таблица, отляво на английски, отдясно на БГ.

    Две бързи:

    1. "Предпочитани" да се замени с "Любими"

    2. Да намерим начин левия панел на прозореца за настройки да е БЕЗ хоризонтален скрол.

    Като цяло може да се скъсят някои стрингове, например бутонът "Съответствие" = "Съвпадение" и ще се събира точно. Преводът иначе е много качествен, нещо за което все не успявах да отделя време и безкрайно се радвам, че сме близо до реализация. Всичките ми бележки са съвсем добронамерени и се се надявам и други да се вкючат. Каквото открия, ще правя едит тук.

  15. Bulgarians get hurt, I actually insist on A-Z order. :thumbsup: Was hard enough to get it before a time. My proposal:

    Main>Support> •Guides, English

    Main>World Support>Bulgarian / Български, Croatian / Hrvatski, Finnish / Suomi, French / Francais, German / Deutsch, Hungarian/ Magyar, Icelandic / íslenska, Italian / Italiano, Polish / Polski, Russian / Русский, Serbian / Srpski / Српски, Slovak / Slovensky, Swedish / Svenska

    Mods arrange inside language subforums, may also put guides there on the respective language.

    P. S. I also think we have to find a better place for the translations. Maybe:

    Main>Customize Apex OR My ApexDC++>Emos, Sounds, Translations/Преводи/...