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Everything posted by musosoft

  1. ApexDC++ smashes 6 million downloads

    Gratz, I never find something better than ApexDC++!
  2. Apex themes

    muso's Dark Theme Download: muso.dctheme
  3. Suggest features for ApexDC++

    + Changeable color of vertical line (at trasfers window, userlist window etc.)
  4. Suggest features for ApexDC++

    Feature requests: + add vertical lines or two colors to search results and transfers which will do it more transparent. + adjustable height of message field in chat thx
  5. ApexDC++ Translations

    Slovak translation for v1.3.0 added
  6. ApexDC++ Translations

    Hello, can somebody post 1.2.2 > 1.3.0 translation changelog? Thanks
  7. ApexDC++ Translations

    naco vytvaras nieco co uz je hotove?
  8. Suggest features for ApexDC++

    Feature request: All languages included in ApexDC++, choice in installation which language will be as default. ...thx btw. can someone from staff add this slovak to customise page?
  9. Suggest features for ApexDC++

    Another request/question: Can you include "kolobok" smilies in new version? :whistling: (they're included in StrongDC++)
  10. ApexDC 1.2 final - Windows 7 support ?

    ApexDC++ 1.2.0B working great on my Windows 7 x64 (build 7057). It works with UAC turned off or with administrator privilegies
  11. ApexDC++ Translations

    Slovak 1.2.0B moved here... mods please delete this post thx.
  12. Released: ApexDC++ 1.1.0

    Thanks for new version. But is there any alternative for media toolbar? I know that I can type /w /wmp etc. on chat, but can I seek tracks etc.? Thanks
  13. ApexDC++ Translations

    Slovenský (Slovak) Inštalácia: Stiahni si preklad z nasledujúceho zoznamu, najlepšie je uložiť ho do priečinka s ApexDC++Otvor ApexDC++V programe postupuj nasledovne: File -> Settings -> Apperance -> Browse, tu načítaj uložený súbor s prekladomPre aplikovanie je potrebné reštartovať program Na stiahnutie: ApexDC++ v1.3.1+ v1.3.0: ApexDC_1.3.0_Slovak.xmlApexDC++ v1.2.2: ApexDC_1.2.2_Slovak.xmlApexDC++ v1.2.1: ApexDC_1.2.1_Slovak.xmlApexDC++ v1.2.0: ApexDC_1.2.0_Slovak.xmlApexDC++ v1.2.0B: ApexDC_1.2.0B_Slovak.xmlApexDC++ v1.1.0: ApexDC_1.1.0_Slovak.xml Zmeny: 25. 2. 2010 - v1.3.025. 2. 2010 - v1.2.216. 8. 2009 - téma aktualizované23. 7. 2009 - v1.2.112. 4. 2009 - v1.2.025. 3. 2009 - v1.2.0B11. 6. 2008 - v1.1.0 O preklade: Aktualizácia: musoKorektúry: Mek
  14. ApexDC++ Translations

    @Unknow-User-SK Nazdar. Dakujem za slovensky preklad. Ale nasiel som tam trosku divne preklady napr.: Tág (by som skôr preložil ako Označenie alebo by som to radšej neprekladal) a "Verzia so slovenským rozhraním od Unknow-User-SK" ako názov stĺpcu v user liste je príliš dlhý (alebo preklep? )
  15. Diacritic problem

    I am from slovakia and on hub where i going is disallow to write diacritic (ľščťžýáíé...) but apex dc deleting only some chars not all. How i fix this problem ? (Sorry for my english :)
  16. Diacritic problem

    Yes I did it. But some charakters is with diacritic... :crying: in strongdc is removed all diacritic chars...