Old Indain

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Posts posted by Old Indain

  1. there is not a apex client for android, however you can look for gadget dc++ and or android dc++ both are limited and they take a little getting used to, I personally like gadget above android dc, android looks cool, but getting it to slide to the user panel has been a issue.....just do a search for both, and good luck

  2. All right apparently you folks must think it's just coolk as hell to do a update that wipes out all of your settings, this is the third time this has happened. the last 2 times i was able to get things back, but not this time...So as for myself untill you can figure out how to do a update without this happening , I am looking else where for a good client and I sure won't recomend this one to my users anymore...this is crazy

  3. Lee,,,,,, I just wanted to say how glad I am that you and the Apex team decided to join up with the Flex team. I have been using the hub since Flip first released it and have been on part of the bug chasing team and I have to say the more I use Flex the more I like it.

    So I think were looking at something very good here as I have also used Apex since the very beginning and the majority of the users on our hub are using it. Truly looking forward to the next generation of dc hub community.

  4. It looks like we may have a problem with large file hashing...My copy of 1.50 as well as 2 others on our hub have had a loss of hash data and have had to completely rehash our shares, which are quite large, over 1.5 Tb each.

    I tried replacing the hash data file and the hash data index, with no good results, the client still goes through the rehash process.

    I need to add, that when I checked the settings in the client, it showed that all my shares were checked, nothing had changed in the settings.

    I had one upload running on a 2 gig file at the time. The upload stopped and I checked and it appeared that upload had finished, however I think that may have been when the loss of hash data vanished.

  5. Ok guys this is getting stranger by the minute, the memory thing is starting to become a real issue.......and I just got this crash, below is the report.

    Code: c0000005 (Access violation)

    Version: 1.4.3 (Apr 28 2011)

    Major: 5

    Minor: 1

    Build: 2600

    SP: 3

    Type: 1

    Time: 2011-06-30 19:14:07


    f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\output.c(1643): _output_l

    f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\sprintf.c(130): _snprintf

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\winutil.cpp(1819): WinUtil::generateStats

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(371): HubFrame::onEnter

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1405): HubFrame::onChar

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.h(105): HubFrame::ProcessWindowMessage

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.h(60): HubFrame::ProcessWindowMessage

    0x000203CC: ?

    ApexDC!0x0043DF86: HubFrame::`scalar deleting destructor'

    c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\atlmfc\include\atlwin.h(3388): ATL::CWindowImplBaseT<WTL::CMDIWindow=0x00447C46,ATL::CWinTraits<1456406528=0x00445A76,64> >::GetWindowProc

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1809): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(2436): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1805): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1796): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\clientlistener.h(61): dcpp::ClientListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1790): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1759): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1756): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1752): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1739): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1735): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1728): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1725): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1722): HubFrame::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(1715): HubFrame::on

    ApexDC!0x0044E501: [thunk]:HubFrame::`vector deleting destructor'

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    ApexDC!0x0044E509: [thunk]:HubFrame::`vector deleting destructor'

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    ApexDC!0x0044E511: [thunk]:HubFrame::`vector deleting destructor'

    ApexDC!0x0044E519: [thunk]:TypedListViewCtrl<dcpp::OnlineUser=0x0043DF0A,1006>::`vector deleting destructor'

    ApexDC!0x0043C825: dcpp::StringTask::`scalar deleting destructor'

    ApexDC!0x0043DF0A: HubFrame::MessageTask::`scalar deleting destructor'

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\boost\boost\exception\exception.hpp(412): boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::invalid_argument> >::clone

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\boost\boost\exception\exception.hpp(418): boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::invalid_argument> >::rethrow

    ApexDC!0x0044E4F9: [thunk]:boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::invalid_argument> >::`vector deleting destructor'

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\userconnectionlistener.h(79): dcpp::UserConnectionListener::on

    c:\users\liam\documents\svn\trunk\client\directorylisting.cpp(339): dcpp::DirectoryListing::Directory::filterList

    0x246AF8E4: ?

  6. Ok Lee.....I did a fresh install.....posting the stats from start to where it started freezing the right click options on the tabs....it seems that once it gets to about 70% usage it starts in, although I have to say these stats are running about 20% lower than before the fresh install........I have tried using /rebuild also with no noticeable effects.....sending you the exceptions file also...

    -=[ ApexDC++ 1.4.3 Compiled on: 2011-04-28 ]=-

    -=[ Uptime: 12 min 33 sec ][ Cpu time: 0:00:27 ]=-

    -=[ Memory usage (peak): 59.43 MiB (93.50 MiB) ]=-

    -=[ Virtual memory usage (peak): 52.26 MiB (87.46 MiB) ]=-

    -=[ Downloaded: 131.52 MiB ][ Uploaded: 1.89 MiB ]=-

    -=[ Total download: 164.15 GiB ][ Total upload: 131.25 GiB ]=-

    -=[ System Uptime: 3 days 16 hours 5 min ]=-


    -=[ ApexDC++ 1.4.3 Compiled on: 2011-04-28 ]=-

    -=[ Uptime: 1 hour 39 min 7 sec ][ Cpu time: 0:03:20 ]=-

    -=[ Memory usage (peak): 67.60 MiB (93.50 MiB) ]=-

    -=[ Virtual memory usage (peak): 59.05 MiB (87.46 MiB) ]=-

    -=[ Downloaded: 382.49 MiB ][ Uploaded: 15.45 MiB ]=-

    -=[ Total download: 164.39 GiB ][ Total upload: 131.26 GiB ]=-

    -=[ System Uptime: 3 days 18 hours 58 min ]=-


    -=[ ApexDC++ 1.4.3 Compiled on: 2011-04-28 ]=-

    -=[ Uptime: 2 hours 19 min 40 sec ][ Cpu time: 0:05:59 ]=-

    -=[ Memory usage (peak): 71.78 MiB (93.50 MiB) ]=-

    -=[ Virtual memory usage (peak): 63.23 MiB (87.46 MiB) ]=-

    -=[ Downloaded: 431.86 MiB ][ Uploaded: 21.80 MiB ]=-

    -=[ Total download: 164.44 GiB ][ Total upload: 131.27 GiB ]=-

    -=[ System Uptime: 3 days 20 hours 19 min ]=-

    This is where it starts ^^^^^^

  7. Greetings.......here is something that is going on with my copy of 1.4.3 ....it has been stable, but I am noticing a steady rise in memory usage, and I am not downloading much at all or uploading.....I have it monitoring 3 hubs with very little traffic.

    It will eventually get so bad that if you try to right click a tab and close it will not do so, nor can you highlight text and copy and paste from the mouse, however after a restart it will work fine for about an hour

    I tested it against dc++ 0.782 and that client is fine.

    If there is something from my settings you need to look at , just let me know....thanks

  8. At the risk of sounding like a complete noob, has anyone else ever seen this message down in the lower left corner [09:35:47] Someone is trying to use your client! contact your hub owner.......? never saw that before and I am the owner....lol

    any ideas?

    heh....That is Someone not domeone.............sheeesh

  9. Hey gang, this has nothing to do with the topic in a sense, but in a way it does .....I just wanted to say thank you to Crise and Lee for getting on that bug yesterday and for all of the help that you both gave....You don't get that kind of service when you pay big bucks for something .

    Once again thanks for all the help, the new build is running right along smooth.

  10. Hey Mek I am using Flexhub, but it does it on Ynhub also, and I have tried 2 other clients out and they both work fine.

    Is your hub running on PtokaX? Because I am encountering the very same bug in one hub I am using (can provide address via PM).

    Also I have the hub set to connect automatically upon ApexDC++ start. It is OK until I switch to the hub's tab - then the GUI freezes and I have to end ApexDC++ forcefully.

  11. Ok....just updated to 1.4.0 and after updating I can no longer connect to my hub using my local IP........I can connect to any other hub but the one I am hosting. I cannot connect by using the hub address, I have always had to use either the local router IP or the loopback.....This is brand new, never had this problem before.

    It will log on to the hub, but the user panel is blak and it locks up the client as soon as I connect.....It is acting an awful lot like a bug.....It's very interesting because I can connect use V.0.781 dc++

    Any ideas?

  12. OK, I give up I have looked at every setting in the client 1.3.9 ver. and I can't see a thing going on with the way Apex hashes in files.

    I recently went over a Tb in share size, and I have noticed that my total share shows as 1.01 TB in the user window which is cool, except that I have downloaded at least 3 gigs and added them to my share since then.

    The files all show in the shares, but they do not show up as total share size on the hub.

    any ideas?

  13. Yep, no doubt.....my biggest problem is me, however we do have at least one real programmer type in our hub....We should have done it a little sooner, but laziness won out once again....Thanks for the come backsand thanks for that link lee, mucho good.


  14. OK I know this has been asked a zillion times but.................any suggestions on replacing a good hub server that has served us well for years with a good fairly easy to set up server?........has to be fairly easy to config as I dropped out of geekdom with the advent of Ynhub.


  15. I have never downloaded ApexDC++. I didn't even know what it was for. I suspect the virus writers borrowed the name because it looks official in a list of tasks and processes.

    My computer seems to be still clear this morning which is a relief.

    The programs Wbekea, Wbekeb and Wbekec do not feature at all in Google searches so this must be a very new virus.

    LOL, if nothing else, I bet I am not the only one that ran search for those files names eh.

  16. its NMDC not ADC and its not a really secure hubsoftware to be hosting imho should consider to changing to something thats actively developed whatever thats strikes u as good cause Ynhub isn't actively developed anymore

    I can dig that, ya got any suggestions?....something besides c++ based ?