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Posts posted by curse

  1. Alighty, so thanks very much for all the comments and observations, there incredibly helpful. Ive started working on implementing the ability to click URL's but ive run into a bit of a wall with how android handles click events so right now the scroll view is getting the touch event not the Clickable span meaning its not actually opening the browser even though the text is able to be clicked :(.

    Linkify should probably work

    something like..

    TextView noteView = (TextView) findViewById(;
    Linkify.addLinks(noteView, Linkify.ALL);

  2. Even then I wouldn't expect the program would close, but only will loose signal and connection with a hub.

    True. Well, was just a suggestion.

    Other ideas..

    by mistake pressing "back" and close it down and don't think about it.

    Android thinking you're not using it and needing the mem for something else(highly unlikely)?

    Perhaps you'll know on the way home today.

    My client have been running over 18½h now...

  3. I got about the same comments as TTB. Most seems to work fine, especially since the tag is fixed.

    One request I got is a notification icon. Visible when the program is running. If you leave Android DC by pressing the home button, it stays active in the background, which is great, but it would be nice with an icon telling me so and it would also be an easy way back into the program.

    An idea Uhlik mentioned when we tried it out was emoticons, it should exist a standard set for android, so should just be a matter of pointing the trigger.

    Another nice thing would be vibration or notification sound when it comes new PM

    Only comments I got on TTBs great review are these...

    8. When closing a hub or PM, I only can close by tapping "Close hub". THis is not right, I close a hub or PM. The button seems to close the current window, I should rephrase that button into "Close" or "Close window".

    I'd say "Close" or "Close Tab"

    12. When logged in, after 5 minutes or so the app was closed by itself. Could you please explain it's behaviour of not using the app for a while but when you're logged in? Is it a timer?

    Odd, I haven't noticed that problem, have had it on "standby" for an hour now.

    13. URL's are not clickable (or is it touchable). They don't work...

    Agree, very important feature. I rather have clickable links then file transfers

    I'll get back to you when I've used it more.

  4. Looking good! I'd like a copy too to test it with FlexHub.

    There are some nasty rumours that it wouldn't work with Flex, they'll have to be silenced ofcourse ;)

    Drop me a PM, i'll provide feedback when testing ofcourse.

    I've tried it now.. The tag is a bit wonky and miss the "V:" part, I think it may be why Flexhub dislikes it, in Aquila I had to reg with the "tag" right, meaning I can login without tag.

    Tag: <AndroidDC,M:A,H:1/0/0,S:4>

    This is what the bot say in a Flexhub

    [invalid Connection] [1] IP: is autobanned for two hours. Message: $Key ÑÀ° A ѱ±ÀÀ01‘ ÑÑqÑ!‘Ñ‘ ѱ±ÀÀ01†§á|$ValidateNick curse@tablet|

  5. Cool!

    We're a few that's been working on similar projects. We also have a little unofficial Android Hub.

    Feel free to PM me for info, and yes, I'd love a copy of your client :P

  6. even if I don't understand the ban new clients idea, I have to say: His hub, his rules, follow them or don't be there!

    in my hub I've banned old clients, oDC etc.. I want everyone to use clients with segmented downloads, zpipe/zline etc.. so I always recommend Apex, Strong, dc++ 0.691 and up, CrZDC++(my client) and other good clients with segment, zpipe/zline, limiter etc.. but that's my hub, my rules..

    if you wanna use oDC, don't go to my hub, if you wanna use newer clients, don't go to his hub, or run dual clients

  7. firedc++? aint that Legolas new client

    the thing with diff shares in diff hubs, and hideshare, etc

    NMDC protocol don't tell what hub the request for files comes from, so it won't work afaik, BUT with hideshare in the client, at least you share 0 in the userlist, but if you are in many hubs, there is possible for users to get files from the hub you have hideshare in, and sometimes it can be problems to get your filelist in hubs you share in, since it send the 'hidesharelist' instead

  8. in ADL search checks for not only filenamesbut TTHs too

    I've even added the source for TTH search on page 3 of this topic, so I hope they use it, or write their own if they don't like my version :)

    But yea, it's a really good feature

  9. Your Score Summary

    Overall, you scored as follows:


    1% scored higher (more nerdy), and

    99% scored lower (less nerdy).

    What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

    All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!


    oups, found the other one also

    Your Score Summary

    Overall, you scored as follows:


    0% scored higher (more computer geeky),

    0% scored the same, and

    100% scored lower (less geeky).

    Compared to those in the same age group as you:


    0% scored higher (more computer geeky),

    0% scored the same, and

    100% scored lower (less geeky).

    What does this mean? Your computer geekiness is:

    Step aside Bill Gates, Linus Torvalds, and Steve Jobs... You are by far the SUPREME COMPUTER GOD!!!


    hmm, I don't think I like those tests...

  10. hows about

    string ShareManager::translateFileName(const string& aFile, bool adc) throw(ShareException) { 
       RLock l(cs); 
       if(aFile == "MyList.DcLst") { 
    	  generateXmlList(); //new string: it copys from files.xml.bz2 
    	  return getBZXmlFile(); //new string: it copys from files.xml.bz2 
    	  //generateNmdcList(); //string comment
    	  //return getListFile(); //string comment 
       } else if(aFile == "files.xml.bz2") { 
    	  return getBZXmlFile(); 
       } else { 
    	  string file; 
    	  if(aFile.length() == 39 && Encoder::isBase32(aFile.c_str())){ 
    		 TTHValue tth(aFile); 
    		 HashFileIter i = tthIndex.find(&tth); 
    		 if(i != tthIndex.end()) { 
    			dcassert(i->second->getTTH() != NULL); 
    			file = i->second->getParent()->getFullName() + i->second->getName(); 
    	  else if(adc) { 
    		 // Check for tth root identifier 
    		 if(, 4, "TTH/") == 0) { 
    			TTHValue v(aFile.substr(4)); 
    			HashFileIter i = tthIndex.find(&v); 
    			if(i != tthIndex.end()) { 
    			   file = i->second->getADCPath(); 
    			} else { 
    			   throw ShareException("File Not Available"); 
    		 } else if(, 1, "/") == 0) { 
    			file = aFile; 
    		 } else { 
    			throw ShareException("File Not Available"); 
    		 // Remove initial '/' 
    		 file.erase(0, 1); 
    		 // Change to NMDC path separators 
    		 for(string::size_type i = 0; i < file.length(); ++i) { 
    			if(file[i] == '/') { 
    			   file[i] = '\\'; 
    		 // Ok, we now should have an nmdc equivalent name 
    	  } else { 
    		 file = aFile; 
    	  string::size_type i = file.find('\\'); 
    	  if(i == string::npos) 
    		 throw ShareException("File Not Available"); 
    	  string aDir = file.substr(0, i); 
    	  RLock l(cs); 
    	  StringPairIter j = lookupVirtual(aDir); 
    	  if(j == virtualMap.end()) { 
    		 throw ShareException("File Not Available"); 
    	  file = file.substr(i + 1); 
    	  if(!checkFile(j->second, file)) { 
    		 throw ShareException("File Not Available"); 
    	  return j->second + file; 
