Connection issues: How to get in active mode

By Lee in Guides,
How to get in active mode / I have connection issues This guide explains how to correctly forward ports for ApexDC++ and resolve any connection issues experienced. ApexDC++ has two fundamental connection modes - active and passive. Only as a last resort are people to use passive mode. Active mode allows a user to connect to more users and ultimately transfer faster. From 1.2, users are required to forward a port for TLS in order to become active. If you are NOT behind a router: Select the Direct Connection radio button in ApexDC++ connection settings Allow ApexDC++ in your software firewall (it should have prompted you when launched) Test active mode by clicking on the test connection hyper-link in the connection settings page If you still experience connection time-outs or unable to connect messages, you're best following the steps below. If you are behind a router: Try and mimic this screenshot: First you need to use to look up your router's model number, which should help you forward ports for ApexDC++ Specify a different port for TCP, UDP and TLS (Select a number between 1024 - 65535). If you wish, TCP and UDP can utilise the same port, but you must ensure the router forwards both TCP and UDP When you have forwared the ports above on the router, open up ApexDC++ and go to Settings -> Connection settings. Select "Firewall with manual port forwarding". In the port fields, enter the port number that you are forwarding on the router. Press "Get IP Address" to automatically insert your IP. Please note: If you're IP changes, you're best checking the "Auto-update IP" feature Restart ApexDC++ and you should be able to connect properly.
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